New year, old wisdom

I recently came across this 1920s advertisement for cycling, below. Nearly a century later, It's amazing how relevant and inspiring the words are today (with my little addition, as you'll see!)...

ENJOY IT! Make your trips to and from work a pleasure instead of a mean ride on a hot, crowded car. Ride a bicycle. Enjoy to the fullest the exhilarating tonic of fresh air and the open country.

My, how good you feel! The red blood sings thru your veins, driving away those morning headaches and that old sluggish feeling! You get to work feeling like taking that old job and fairly "eating it up!". Health and a clear brain go a long way towards making a succesful (wo)man. A bicycle goes nearly all the way towards making a healthy (wo)man!

Then think of the convenience. Think of the money saved. Think of the pleasure of long rides in the country - of happy trips over broad roads! Is it any wonder that more people are riding bicycles today than ever before?

The bicycle is the most economical mode of transportation. It is the most beautiful. It is a pleasant benefit for every member of your family.

Order your bicycle today. The more you ride it the more you'll enjoy it!

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