#87: NO MORE DISAPPEARING CYCLE ROUTES. We’ve all been there: riding on the London Cycle Network, following those little white bicycle logos on the tarmac, glancing at the occasional confusing sign pointing round a corner or onto a special cycling cut-through, and then suddenly.... Nothing. No markings. No signs. Just a leafy blandness or even a looming main road.
Few cycling experiences are more annoying than when the signage on the London Cycle Network suddenly disappears. One of the great things about the London Cycle Map is that it would solve this problem. Parker’s map has provided a template for signing the capital’s cycle routes in a really intuitive and helpful way, using colours as markers just like on the Tube. With a little investment in new signs and road paint - and a few new sections of route, detailed in Simon's design - disappearing cycle routes could be a thing of the past.
In a way, I should have called it the 'London Cycle Network Signage Campaign'. But that sounds far too dull – it’s hard enough to convince people of the wonderful potential of a ‘London Cycle Map’. No more disappearing cycle routes – now that's hard to disagree with!